How To Make Patient Management More Efficient At Your Medical Office

How To Make Patient Management More Efficient At Your Medical Office

Could your medical office run more smoothly? As a healthcare provider, your first job is to serve patient needs. But, you can’t forget that you are also running a business. Part of managing a medical facility is ensuring that all patient documents are handled properly and follow HIPAA laws.

Documentation is a large part of running a successful medical practice, but it doesn’t have to take up all of your physical and mental resources. If filing cabinets, folders, and paper documents are taking over your practice, there are ways to streamline them and make patient management more efficient. All it requires is medical records scanning from a company like Global Document Services.

Let’s explore the ways that you can streamline patient management using scanning and storage solutions.

Search and Assess Patient Records

Paper records are becoming outdated, especially in the medical industry where healthcare facilities are working with sensitive information all the time. Give your patients and your practice the peace of mind that all information is safe and secure and in compliance with HIPAA laws.

Electronic records are stored in a secure cloud. They can be searched and accessed by your staff, so important information is never more than a click away. This allows your team to accommodate patient needs and deliver a higher level of service. All information is accurate and updated in real time, including medication lists, emergency contacts, and updates in health status.

Improve the Admissions Process

Patients hate having to arrive 20 minutes early to fill out paperwork. On top of that, it’s not unusual for paperwork to get lost in the shuffle, not be updated accurately, or not be viewed by the doctor. This leaves both patients and front desk personnel frustrated – before it’s even 9am!

Set the tone for better days by scanning and uploading important documents into your system, such as insurance cards, drivers’ licenses, privacy information, and more. This information stays in the system, making each check-in fast and efficient. Information is updated in real time as well, so by the time the patient meets with the doctor, medical histories and lab results are accessible.

Streamline the Billing Process

While some patients pay their copays and aren’t bothered again, many receive countless bills in the mail. This leaves patients feeling stressed, delays payment on your end, and can hurt the patient-doctor relationship. Plus, your staff has to talk to insurance companies, verify account information, and collect payments. This time could be spent better serving patients.

Fortunately, document management programs are capable of scanning claims, EOBs, checks, statements, and other information. Documents can be retrieved and shared with patients for faster, easier collections of payments.

Thanks to document scanning and electronic storage, patient management is more efficient, accurate, and reliable. Patients will appreciate that their information is safe and accessible. Staff will appreciate having more time for patients. And, you will appreciate being paid on time! For more information on upgrading your document management needs, contact Global Document Services today.

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